Wednesday, March 30, 2011


U.S. in Vietnam Then and Now

Camden 28


-Michael Doyle

-Howard Zinn

-Esther Good

-Andrea Ferich

Remembering Bombed Camden

Jesuits in Vietnam

Vietnamese in Camden

Communism vs. Capitialism from Cong to Com

Time in Jail

-wearing orange

-walking hime

-labor day

grasshopper in hands

the rhythm of the basketball

stale food

wise council of Grandmothers: the moon and indigenous wisdom

Nick and Lawrence J

-How MD met Virgilio Family

-Nick’s Haiku

-Vietnamese Haiku

-Andrea Ferich Haiku

-bombing Japanese, America funding French for Tungsten, Japanese & Haiku

Agent Orange

Farming and War

Fritz Haber

Dad and Mennonite Church